Lest es euch durch. Ich find´s echt rührend :)
Hi everyone I just wanted to say that I'm not mad at anyone cuz I'm worried people think I'm pissed off or whatever and I don't want anyone to think I'm a dick so i just wanted to say sorry to anyone who was pissed at me the other day I was just tired an having a bad time, I just miss home a little bit at the moment so please don't think I'm moody or off... On the other hand the shows have been amazing we litterally haven't had a bad crowd at any show anywhere in the world you guys have been incredible and we never expected this much support from everywhere it's been so overwhelming to see how many people appreciate our music and make posters and spend all there time and effort trying to find us
I always wanted to do this since I was small and you guys have made this happen for me and I won't ever forget that we watched the last cut of the film yesterday and taking time too look at all the things u guys have made happen for me I couldn't thank any of you enough so that's it really sorry about the other day, we all have bad days
I love you guys thank you x

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