Sonntag, 31.03.2013
bbbiiiiiiggggg tuuune out this week co-written by the man that is @mnek - Duke Dumont ft A*M*E - Need You (100%) -
Ouchy ! Dropped my iPhone and smashed the screen! Not good!
Just got to Liverpool ! Back with the boys ! Missed the lads! Back on the road now! #tmhtinliverpool
Massive well done to @3HorseShoesFC for getting promoted and overall having a great season!
Went to see the one and only @ollyofficial at the O2 arena!great show! Also me and him have matching chest hair

Missing the toll booth and dropping change is not my favourite thing to do.
Samstag, 30.03.2013
I must say I never ever get burnt but today I look like Paul Scholes stranded in the desert ...
its not cloughy that needs t go! always easy blame the manager! cloughy is doin amazing with what he has!
went to see derby last night ! big win 2-0 ! massive 3 points ! i hope the derby fans agreed what was said on here! them owners need t go
sorry i aint been tweeting much..just been trying to get some time with fam and friends you know? back online now!
What a week!Congratulations to Greg and Denise horan!Wedding was amazing!Such a laugh! And a long long night !
Subtle whip.
Busy dayyssss :) soon back on tour though :)
Donnerstag, 28.03.2013
I have to say back in the day Busted fucking smashed it. Come on @mattjwillis @charliesimo @JamesBourne just do one more gig haha!
Twelve pairs of skiis?!
Tout suite.
Toot sweet.
Hiiii @FifthHarmony, was just with @julianbulian and heard some of your stuff. My 'booty was poppin'. It's gonna be siiiiick .x
Mittwoch, 27.03.2013
Can't believe it has been 3 years since my first audition ! Wow, I'm truly blessed and thank you all for everything :)
Montag, 25.03.2013
How is everyoneee?
It was called Like Minds :)
Little unknown fact for you all I once did a film with Eddie Redmayne, I was an extra ha! :)
Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson
The Rogue :)

You guys make me laugh with your theories I'm in London :)
Ive only just heard , thank you so much to everyone who voted for us to win the 2 kids choice awards! Love you all ! Best fans everrrr :)
Just incase anyone was wondering, cereal after mouth wash is a bad choice !
On a serious note! couple of days ago it was world water day! please support @drop4drop in their mission for #cleanwaterforall
im tired ! but i cant lay in ! not good!
I've seen fire and I've seen rain..
Gooooood Mooorrnniiiinggg .x
Looking forward to seder night. Always get a bit nervous when I have to sing ma'nish ta'na. But do love a shmorreh matzah. Happy pesach x
Sonntag, 24.03.2013

Amazing news about the #KCAs thank you so much !
Wow! I can't believe it! Sorry I'm late!
Thank you soo much for the KCA'S ! Wow!
So overwhelmed my it!
Thank you , thank you , thank you
Thank you birmingham for the besttt homecoming shows ever! Love you all! :)i know we always say it but we have the best fans in the world!
Loving the tour so far !!
I'd like to start off the day by saying a big fuck you to 'the mirror' :) on a happier note huge love to all out fans, you keep us going!!
I finally have signal ! I've had no phone signal all week! So annoying! How is everyone?
Goodnight pals .x
The amount of time you guys put in to doing things for us is amazing. So again, thank you for everything you've done. It feels nice, love .x
Thank you @NickelodeonTV for the KCAs... They're siiiick. Thank you to everyone who voted for us, we love you .xx
Good show tonight in Birmingham !! Had fun man !! :D
Samstag, 23.03.2013
Tonight has been amazing! Ill never forget it! Thank you birmingham , its sooooo good to be home :)
Freitag, 22.03.2013
Hi, @alicecousins92 I heard its your birthday. I hope you have a really lovely day.. Have funnnn .xx
Safe to @bucksandco for the garms !! :) x
Holla, Today is World Water Day! please show your support for @drop4drop they do incredible work #cleanwaterforall
What a great day !! :D #flipped
Donnerstag, 21.03.2013
Amazing day @bawtrypaintball! Loved it !
Mittwoch, 20.03.2013
Loki is chillin on my bunk! the dog is a legend! Saus monster
Wow another 1D World to open in Spain! Who's goin to 1D World in Barcelona?? #1DWorldBCN
Sheffield thank you for being an amazinngggg crowd last night ! :) on to Nottingham tonightttt !
Sheffield was amazing tonight , big love to all my friends and family that came to see me :) xx
Dienstag, 19.03.2013
Just goin for a quick power nap! I'm knackered
Just thinkin about my beloved derby county! Fans don't deserve this anymore!
C'mon owner finger out! You're embarassing yourself
Had the greatest night at @BrianODriscoll testimonial last night! Met some great people! Had the Craic! #irishinlondon
With my boys @JamieScottG6 @rwilsonthe3rd @johnhenryryan @julianbulian smashes out the verses oh and playing FIFA! #theyrecuttingmeoutman
Must say the sound quality on the Beats Pill is pretty sick !!
Great to see @JamieMcdonnell1 smashing it! Donny lad ! Great boxer !
Montag, 18.03.2013
guys, happy to announce that our movie is going to be titled "This is Us". What do think of it???
guyssss so proud to announce that our upcoming movie is officially titled 'This Is Us'! Cant wait for you guys to see itttt!!
Havin an 80's music night tonight! The production on "all night long" by Lionel Richie is amazing! Years ahead of itself
Nice to see @NZbound2011 today as always .xx
Listening to Trouble by @RayLaMontagne ... Burn is the one to listen to.
Pleaseee vote for us at the KCA's ! Loveeee
A little New Jersey born birdie told me that it's @elenaxo16 's birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a lovely day .xx
Great show today !!!
Sonntag, 17.03.2013
Everybody meet mine and @daniellepeazer new dog Loki :)
Yess ! Irish women's rugby team won the grand slam on paddys day! Sick! Well done ladies
Rightttt ill see u all laterrrr !
Loving these weird questions today! :)
Comeonnnnn #askliam :)
Leeds! 1D World opens this weekend! sick #1DWorldLeeds
Yesssssss ! Happy paddys day! @jackwhitehall told me not to drink too many guiness it makes ur poo wierd !
Hope you enjoyed the show tonight rioferdy5
Samstag, 16.03.2013
Made it just in time for kick offstagram.
Anddddd 1D World hits Minneapolis, USA thisssss weekend!! Who's going? #1DWorldMpls
Who enjoyed that shoowwww!!!! Manchester your amazinggggg!!!!!
75 million raised yayy yuppie woohoo congratuwelldone everyone...that's only so far... I need to sleep now Good night
Thank you so much Manchester.. Amazing crowd tonight. And to the person eating a kebab during the show. You're my hero.
Don't go hating on that girl I'd rather you spend your time on here and remember time is money .. Give what you can:)
Anywho lets prove a few people wrong I used to think what's the point ... I can't do anything ... You bloody well can
Change the mutha fucking world ...that's the power of 1D fans go there now or your nose will fall off ... True story
change the motha fucking world That's the power Of 1D fans and you know it go there now or your nose will fall off
If all of you donate 1 pound that's over 9 million poundss ahh!!!!!!! get on it peeps 1 pound or more if you wish :D
Get your bloody phones out text yes to 70010 donate 10 pounds or go to give whatever you wish 5 pound saves a life :)
Harry wake up !! :D
Freitag, 15.03.2013
woke up in my bunk on the bus! a couple of hours sleep,Louis is asleep on the bunk underneath me, zayn accross from me!
have a look at @5secsofsummer new #TMH tour diary! I'm in it for about 3 seconds max
I fancy a bag of Salt n Shake.
Do something funny for money.. We shaved half of benwinston 's beard!! Happy Red Nose Day .xx
Excited for @rednoseday today gunna be amazing :D xx
Happy @rednoseday ! Lookin forward to today! Hopefully Everyone gets behind a great cause
Donnerstag, 14.03.2013
Ireland i miss ya already! loved being home! Thanks for all the amazing welcomes! Big love ! Xxxx
Dublin, once again you were amazing last night.. Thanks for having us .xx
Mittwoch, 13.03.2013
But it's his birthday so we'll let him off. HAPPY BIRTHDAY @mrchrisleonard .x
Taaaanks a million Dublin. Was a lot of fun tonight, welcome home Niall .x
Extra date is Saturday 6th April. On sale Saturday 16th March 9am.
Guys we cannot believe we are about to say this but we are adding another date to the TMH tour to play a total of 10 shows at the 02 Arena!!
Helloooo , how is everyone?
Montag, 11.03.2013
Belfast! That was an amazing , poor aul Tommo an his knee! Hahaha! Great week up here ! See ya soon! #1DTMHT
Ah well fuck it . I apologise if I'm not jumping around on stage as much , stupid knee ! #kneedtogetbetter ( terrible joke)
Happy birthday to the lovely Karen ! love you ringland! Production genius.
Hope everyone who has seen the tour has enjoyed it , love seeing everyone there singing along and dancing , amazinnggggg feeling !
Going to do an ask liam soonnn , been really busy with tour ive barely been on here but that will change :)
Belfast you were amazing , cant wait to do it all again! I love tourrrring :)
Samstag, 09.03.2013
Happy Mother's Day to my beautiful mother ! @JohannahDarling
Happy Mother's Day, hope you have a good one .xx
Good morning!
Met the president of Ireland today! Lovely man! Such a privilege !
Amazing day at Ireland v France ! Brian o'driscoll ya hero !
Wantttt to know why we support @rednoseday - watch this (HIER könnt ihr euch das Video ansehen)
I really do empathise with him, I don't see anything out of character in comparison to any other teenagers I know .
Although I don't know him personally, I do wish the press would take it easy on @justinbieber .
Watching BBC Three, I do think Russell Brand is an incredible bloke !
Hi @GregThompson12 just sat with @jamiescottG6 from graffiti6 he's just played me "the bridge" I love it it's gonna be big babyy
Chilling with @jamiescottg6 from @graffiti6 on the bus and I think it's safe today he is a better songwriter thannnnn FIFA playerrrr
Belfast ! That was class! Mental crowd!
Freitag, 08.03.2013
Hiiiiiiii Belfast
just heard it’s the last weekend for #1DWorldStockholm! Make sure you go check it out or you’ll miss out
my bro @sandybeales is trending worldwide! wohooo
the chef on alan titchmarsh show is mad hahaha...
I hate spell check! I meant the lads not the ladies
Belfast you were amazingggg! I find it crazy how many people come to see us every night! Best fans everrrr! :)
Absolutely loving @5secsofsummer tonight !!
Buzzing for the show today :D should be good fun x
Donnerstag, 07.03.2013
I love my job! And on that note , I'm goin t sleep
Thank you Dublin! Crowd was amazing since we've been here, thanks for having us .xx
BeLFaSt hERe we come !!! :) x
Dublin! Thank you so much for tonight ! Was class! Loved every second of it! U lot never let us down! I love my country!
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