
Samstag, 1. Juni 2013

Fan-Brief :)

Eine Freundin und ich haben diesen Fan-Brief für One Direction geschrieben.
Wie findet ihr ihn???
Was haltet ihr davon, wenn wir ihn an die Jungs schicken????
Wenn ihr noch Verbesserungsvorschläge habt, schreibt einfach einen Kommentar :)

Dear One Direction,
All started at the X Factor UK. This time you didn't know each other. You five guys thougt you can only become famous as a solo singer. But the destiny had another plan with you: You should become the most famoust boyband in our time. Your Video Diaries were so funny and so you go on and on. There were a lot of problems, but you managed it together and so you came to the final of X Factor. But you didn't win and it was a big shock for you and your fans. But there was a hope. One Direction works hard and steal the hearts of hundred girls. Now you're conqueres the world and your friendship is so strong, nobody can seperate you. Since 3 years you light up our world as One Direction and youo´re a big family.
Louis William Tomlinson, born in Doncaster. At the beginning everybody thought you were the quiet one, but your crazy side showed us the opposite and as band leader you make X Factor more interesting and funny. Although you´re the oldest but you´re the best example for having fun in every age. You´re our Loui, BooBear and Tommo Tomlinson and you´ll always be our Master From Doncaster.
Zayn Jawaad Malik, you`re hometown is Bradford. At the start you were the shy one but now you`re our cool daredevil with the typicall claim: "Vas Happenin". The love to Perrie Edwards completes you and you´re friends can be proud of you. You´re our Bradford Bad Boy and we love you no matter what will happen in future.
It´s hard to be the Band Daddy of four crazy guys but Liam, you´re the best for this job. With your reasonable style you safeguard the boys from something worse. But you can be the craziest one too. Then you rock the stage and that´s another reason why we love you. Unfortunatelly you break up with Danielle, but we´re sure you´ll find your dreamgirl and will be happy. Thank you Daddy Directioner for taking care of Harry, Louis, Niall and Zayn :) And don´t be afraid, some day all Spoons will leave the world and we can life in peace :) Oh Liam, because of you today we all eat our ice-cream or our soup with forks :)
You´re the only Irish man in the band. And you´re perhaps the most famous Irish men worldwide. You´re irish accent is so sweet and sometimes you have the best ideas. When you´re laughing everybody must laughing too. You´re so funny and even if you the smallest in the band, you´re the one with the biggest heart. It´s incredible beautiful to listen to you when you´re playing guitar. And if someone is crying you will make him laughing again with your wonderful hugs. Everybody knows you´re love food especially Nandos, but for all thes little Things we love you so much. You´re our little Irish boy with the big heart :) And thank you for teaching us the irish accent. In Germany are today more people who speak or try to speak an irish accent than an bavarian accent :)
Of course the youngest member is as important as the others. Harry Edward Style. You´re beautiful eyes and the curly hairs are only two things which make you incredible. We love it to listen to your wonderfull voice. And you´re beautiful smile make us smiling too. What we like about you too are your many tattoos. Nobody knows how many tattoos you have. But we know it´s a lot :) But we think now it´s enough because you´re pefect for what you are. You´re sensible side is another reason to love you. When you talk about girls, everyone feels like a princess. Even if you haven´t found your princess yet, in future you will find the perfekt Mrs. Styles. Thank you for everything you do to us.
And thanks for showing us your nacked body all the time :) It´s always funny to see you running around with no clothes. Perhaps in Future your clothing style will be the best one and all people in the world wear no clothes. Then we can say: "That´s because we all love Harry Styles. The cute, lovely, nacked guy from One Direction" :)
At the end we Directioner want to say a big THANK YOU!!! Thank you for changing our life. Without you our live would be not so interesting and perhaps we would´t be so crazy :)
And Louis it´s your fault that we call every pigeon KEVIN :)
And Zayn because of you we´re running outside and shout "Vas Happenin" to everybody.
You guys changed a lot for us. Thanks to you we met new people and found lots of new friends. Everyone of us had another story. But you are the focus of every story. Sometime we´re shouting very loud, but that´s only because we love you so much. We´re so proud of you guys and we hope you´ll make us happy for a long time. Some fans are sad because they can´t meet you but they support you anyway. 2 weeks ago you were in Munich for the last concert in Germany. Thank you for coming to germany!! For some Directioner it was the best day in life. You´re alway welcome and we hope you´ll come next year again on the "Where We Are"-Tour.
With this letter we will say thank you to you. We hope you´ll see how we support you. You five guys are a part of our life and that´s a wonderful feeling. Since 3 years we´re a big 1D-Family and that´s only because of you. Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn, THANK YOU. And we´re loving you.
In Love
Your German Directioners :)

21 Kommentare:

  1. Wenn ich einen Löffel sehe-muss ich lachen und sage:,,Ohhhh Liam!"Wenn jemand etwas mit dem Wort 'NACKT' erwähnt denk ich an Harry oder rufe:
    ,,HARRY.......Harry Styles!" und manchmal versuche ich mit irischem Akzent zu sprechen weil ich an Niall denke!!
    Bitte,verschickt den Brief.....vielleicht solltet ihr eure Namen noch hin schreiben????

    1. Hey, deine Ideen sind gut. Wenn ich darf bau ich das noch ein :)
      Ich habe den Brief zwar schon abgeschickt, aber man kann ihn ja noch auf andere Art und Weise verbreiten. Vorhin habe ich ihn zum Management von 1D (also an die Fan-Mail-Adresse) geschickt. Mal schauen ob ihn die Jungs zu Gesicht bekommen :)

  2. Ok!!Aber mit meinen Ideen kannst du machen was du willst!

    1. Ich hab´s jetzt mit reingeschrieben und den Brief an die Jungs geschickt. Mal schauen ob sie ihn lesen :)

  3. HOFFENTLICH....Ich find's echt cool, dass ihr euch traut einen Brief zu schreiben!

  4. Also, ich hab im Internet nach der Fan-Mail geschaut!! Jetzt hab ich 'ne Frage an dich und zwar ist das die richtige Fan-Mail:' One Direction Modest Management, The Matrix Complex 91 Peterborough Rd, London SW6 3BU' ?????

  5. hey, ich hab mir gerade mal die zeit genommen und ihn durchgelesen und ich finde ihn echt super. wenn das mal nicht klappt ;)

  6. An welche Adresse habt ihr das geschickt ? Ich wollte auch schon immer einen schreiben hab aber keine Adresse.. :(

    1. Hey :)
      Wir haben ihn nicht an die Autogramm-Adresse der Jungs geschickt, sondern an die Fan-Adresse von Sony Music. das ist die Adresse, falls du auch einen Brief schreiben willst :)

  7. hey :) ich wollte fragen ob du mir die Autogramm-Adresse von den Jungs sagen kannst :) schon mal danke ♥(facebook ist mein Name se bi)

    1. Hey, klar. Hier ist sie:
      One Direction
      Modest! Management
      The Matrix Complex
      91 Peterborough Rd
      London, SW6 3BU

  8. Hei, ich hätte da mal ne frage: was muss man denn alles beachten, wenn man von one direction eine autogrammkarte haben möchte? :)

  9. Heii
    Eine frage : bekommt man wennn man in den brief schreibt man hätte gerne ein autogramm auch eins wenn man an die fanadresse und nicht an die autogramm Adresse schreibt ???

    1. Hi :)
      Schwer zu sagen. Aber du kannst es ja mal probieren :)

  10. i love one direction :))))

  11. wie kann man mit one direction caten?

  12. Richtig gut *-* Fuck ich heule wieder OMG ich liebe sie so ♥
